Tickets for “There’s No Business Like SNOW Business” are now available for purchase at the following link:
Please note the OCPAA does not handle ticket sales and we are unable to assist with any issues or questions regarding your tickets or the transaction. For questions regarding your tickets or to inquire about special seating such as handicap, you may contact the box office at Orange Lutheran/Nechita Theater directly at: (714) 282-4699 or tickets@lhsoc.org
There’s No Business Like SNOW Business
The OCPAA Winter Recital is a fun and family friendly showcase of our students and a great way to get in the holiday spirit. Participation in the Winter Recital is not mandatory. However, once you commit to performing by purchasing a costume you are required to participate in PICTURE DAY, DRESS REHEARSAL and ALL PERFORMANCES YOUR CLASS IS SCHEDULED IN. Please keep in mind that over the next several weeks most dance classes will be spent learning and rehearsing routines for the recital. Make sure your email is up to date on the portal so you can be sure to receive the many and important communications about the recital.
QUESTIONS: email us
Nechita Center for the Arts at Orange Lutheran High School
2222 Santiago Blvd, Orange, CA 92867
Saturday, November 2nd – COSTUME ORDER FORMS & PAYMENT DUE
Costumes can not be guaranteed to arrive in time after this date – please contact us to find out if there is still time to order a costume for your dancer.
Saturday, November 16th – TICKETS GO ON SALE
Monday, December 9th-Saturday, December 14th – DRESS REHEARSALS during normal class time
Each recreational class will perform in two shows over the two days giving all family and friends a chance to watch! It is MANDATORY for dancers to perform in both shows. Tickets sell out quickly! It is recommended that parents help in the dressing rooms for one show and purchase tickets to watch the other show.
Saturday, December 21st
1:00 PM – Dressing Room Volunteers Arrive
1:15 PM – Arrival time for dancer check in directly in dressing rooms
1:30 PM – Theater Doors Open
2:00 PM – Performance #1: All classes/All ages/All students (approximately 2.5 hours)
Sunday, December 22nd
1:00 PM – Dressing Room Volunteers Arrive
1:15 PM – Arrival time for dancer check in directly in dressing rooms
1:30 PM – Theater Doors Open
2:00 PM – Performance #2: All classes/All ages/All students (approximately 2.5 hours)