Our 2022 Winter Recital, “Chillin’ With My Snowmies” will take place Saturday, December 17th and Sunday, December 18th at the Nechita Theater at Orange Lutheran. There will be one show each day at 1:00 PM and all participating classes and students will perform in both shows.
We are now taking sign ups for costume sizes!
All the information about the recital can be found in the Information For Parents document that was emailed to all currently enrolled families.
DEADLINE: October 19th
Here are the steps to sign up:
- Read the information document that was emailed to all currently enrolled families – please email us if you do not have this.
- Check on the document to see if your child’s class is planned to participate in the recital
- Fill out this form so we know what size costume to order for your child: https://forms.gle/CnkBL35MGWzsaLit6
- Once costume size form is submitted, OCPAA staff will enroll your child in a special class on the portal indicating that the student is registered for the recital.This is how you will confirm that we have received the costume form.
- Pay all fees by October 19th.
- Frequently check emails for important info. You can also log onto your portal account and click on messages to see all emails sent to you from OCPAA through the portal if you think emails aren’t getting through to you.
Important Dates and Deadlines:
- Wednesday, October 19th – REGISTRATION & COSTUME ORDER FORMS DUE (costumes can not be guaranteed to arrive in time after this date)
- Saturday, November 19th – TICKETS GO ON SALE A link to purchase on the venue’s website will be emailed out
- Saturday, December 10 – Friday, December 16 – DRESS REHEARSALS IN CLASS
- TENTATIVE 12/3 to 12/4 – PICTURE DAY: professional photos in your costume – group and individual. (detailed schedule will be provided) AT THE STUDIO